Extended STF: President Obama goes to NASA

George Schellenger and Tim Bailey at NASA KSC

George and Tim in front of NASA's VAB

George and Tim take a broad look at President Obama’s trip to NASA from Space X to Orion. What’s in it for you? How can you get involved? This time on the Space Task Force.

Click here to download STF Video: President Obama’s Visit to KSC

STS-130, First of the Final Five Launches

After low-lying clouds scrubbed the first attempt, STS-130 took off at 4:14 am in what is scheduled to be the last night launch of a space shuttle. The Space Task Force was on hand for the historic launch of Endeavour–as we will be for each of these ‘Final Five’ launches in 2010.

STS-130 is carrying the Tranquility module (formerly known as “Node 3”) along with the special multi-window “cupola” viewport. The crew of Endeavour will spend their first two days catching up to the space station before docking to start their mission.

The orbiter is scheduled to return to Kennedy Space Center Stay late on Feb 20 after 13 days in space. Stay tuned to the Space Task Force as we continue our extended mission coverage of STS-130 from rollout to the pad to rollout on the runway.

You can also download the video here: STS-130 Launch!